100% Natural Wool
Utilizing one of the world's oldest textiles to bring efficiency, sustainability, and quality to modern manufacturing

An Eco-Friendly Industrial Material
Wool is an incredible material which can do things that are very hard to replicate with synthetic materials. When specifying an engineering grade material, we often seek properties like fire retardancy, high temperature, non-melting, anti-bacterial/anti-fungal, wicking properties, or water repellant properties – all things that natural wool brings to the table inherently.
Wool has been with human civilization from the beginning of recorded history. Its use dates back thousands of years, with evidence of its cultivation found in archaeological sites across the globe. Early civilizations relied on wool to craft protective garments that shielded them from harsh climates and prized its warmth and comfort.
What sets wool apart from other fibers is its remarkable combination of properties. Its natural crimp and unique surface provide a “self-densifying” effect that can be manipulated for adjusting the pore size and thus the tunability in the effectiveness for wicking, insulating and acoustic properties.
Moreover, wool possesses a unique resilience that allows it to retain its shape and elasticity over time. Unlike synthetic fibers that may lose their form with repeated wear, UV degradation, fatigue or hydrolysis, wool maintains its integrity, ensuring longevity and durability in industrial applications.